The battle begins as Sali readies himself for an assault on the Draconic humanoid. However, it becomes all too clear that this foe is cut from a different cloth. He blasts Sali with red hot dragon breath. Despite Sali using the special whistle in his possession, the enemy’s monstrous elemental powers begin to overwhelm not just him but even Kai in his weretiger form. Archers fire upon the ship, and it becomes clear that they are in a serious predicament. Erik, thinking on his feet, launches a cloud of fog to impair the sight of the archers along the beach, who have now fired upon the crew and left the helmsman Ganavan in critical condition. Luckily this action gives the crew of the Windwaker a bit more time to formulate a plan to get out of this alive.
Cerulean Swagger downs a couple of enemies when Jotun commands the crew of the Windwaker to get the cannons up and running as soon as possible. As a note, there seems to be some kind of arcane features to the cannons; however, they have not discovered how the magical weapons function. But they can still fire normally, and the results are explosive, and it turns the tide of the battle. However, the red draconic figure is strong, and it occurs to Sali that they might not be able to defeat him. In a moment of self-reflection, Sali appeals to the enemy. To everyone’s surprise, the dragon-like foe smirks and tells them that they have 2 minutes to board their ship and escape from him. He does mention,
“I will see you in the next town.”
Cerulean Swagger rushes to the ship, and the Windwaker is already prepared to set sail at this point. The vessel departs from the port of Droyva and travels southbound for the province of Ugend. While on the ship, the high-ranking officers discuss their options. Sali determines that based on his knowledge of Dragonborn, this individual was something else entirely. He can only assume that this person was a red half-dragon.
One of the crew members, a woman named Valia, enters the meeting quarters to bring up that when she worked for an organization known as “Firelight” there were many that hunted this enemy. He was known by the name Belroth, and he was highly dangerous. At one time, she and an entire squad of Firelight agents moved in to capture him, and nearly all of them perished at his hands. She also wakes Kai from his meditative state and informs him that the Firelight hunt were creatures. If they discover that he is a weretiger, they will probably place a price on his head. There is a Firelight chapter located in Ugend. They determine that Kai, Sali, and Jotun will speak to the governor of Ugend while Erik takes some crewmembers and restocks on supplies.
The Windwaker successfully makes it into Ugend Harbor in the Bottom South district of town. Jotun, Sali, and Kai exit the ship and make their way towards what appears to be an emerald palace in the center of the city. Unfortunately, the guards in Ugend are less than agreeable and inform the party that they have no business at the capitol or with the governor. They recommend speaking with the captain of the guard for further assistance. Sali nearly rips their arms off out of anger, but luckily Jotun calms him, and the three party members press onward to the guard captain’s estate.
However, again their efforts are fruitless as the captain says that even if she could get them an audience with the governor, it could take weeks to do so. Kai, who remained outside to maintain a watchful eye on the streets of Ugend, notices two figures who appear to be nobles approaching the emerald bridge to the capitol. He approaches quietly in an attempt to steal any paperwork they might have to acquire an audience with the governor. However, as his hand moves forward to pick through the man’s side satchel, he shifts in his step, and Kai’s hand ends up on the man’s hindquarters. Embarrassed, confused, and uncomfortable, the older elvish gentleman tells him politely to keep his hands to himself. A younger man with platinum-colored hair encourages his colleague that they should press onward. The two of them make their way toward the bridge.
Kai returns to his party and informs them of what happened (not the butt stuff), and they all decide that maybe they could appeal to these two individuals to get their assistance in seeking an audience after all. As luck would have it, Sali recognizes the younger man with platinum-colored hair. He is a sorcerer named Godrus that Sali met and rescued a few days ago while trekking into a dangerous cavern. They convince the two nobles to allow them to enter the palace together, and the older elvish man, a man named Lucan Summergate, mentions that Kai is not welcome to join them.
Erik wants to ensure an escape route out of Ugend, seeing as how there is a large gate separating the harbor from the open ocean. However, as he moves up above the surface of the water to get a better look, he is spotted by the gate guards and takes a few arrows as he escapes again under the water.
All the while, Kai remains on the streets of Ugend, and after a short time, he meets an Arakokra named Sakki Broadstole. After conversing, Kai discovers that Sakki is a traveling exotic animal dealer who takes contracts for exotic creatures that pay quite a lot depending on the beast. Kai convinces Sakki that he could join the crew of the Windwaker and conduct his business on the ship. Sakki flies back to the Windwaker and meets with Captain Erik Acuitus. It is decided that for now, Sakki will run his operation as they travel and will also serve as a scout for the crew. Erik helps Sakki get himself set up comfortably in the crow’s nest.
Meanwhile, Sali and Jotun approach the court where the Ugend governor awaits.