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   The Creators

Jordan Buys first started playing Dungeons & Dragons (edition 3.5) in late 2016, and his very first character was a ranger named Elias, who traveled with a large dog companion. Jordan became interested in roleplaying and the worlds of fantasy through hearing stories of TRPG games from his father, who played D&D as a kid. Eventually, his initial group fizzled out, and rather than waiting for another group to pop up, he decided to learn the game and become a dungeon master himself. Jordan has now run many games, mostly 5th Edition. He greatly enjoys being a player of the game; however, he loves being a DM and helping his players learn, grow, and interact with a fantasy world with nearly endless possibilities.  


Jesse Borland had of course heard of the D&D since he was a kid, but did not become interesting in playing until he was an adult. He finally started playing in early 2020 with a dragonborn barbarian named Sali. It took a few tries to find the perfect combination of party and campaign, but now Jesse has been completely immersed in the world of Dungeon and Dragons! He is excited to continue playing and to learn more about this fantasy world.


J&J have been friends since high school and Jesse is now a player in a campaign Jordan is running. The two are having so much fun with their current campaign and learning more about DND that they decided to create a podcast to share the experience!

   The Podcast

We play DND! We talk about DND!
Join us as two long-time friends and old highschool buddies discuss our ongoing DND 5e campaign and all the awesome things about the world's greatest roleplaying game!


We release weekly Campaign Episodes in which we recap and discuss our latest session.


These episodes are about 1 hour long and are released on Wednesdays.

To help you delve even deeper into our world, we will also release a written Campaign Log for each session and a series of episodes ~30 min long called Friday Shorts (released on Fridays). We will also have the occasional interview episodes with special guests! 

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Discussions of the lore and histories of various races and monsters we encounter in our campaign. 

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Analyses of critical rolls that drive the underlying story of the campaign. 

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Interviews with other players in the campaign. 

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